Bahrain Game Developers.. exist.

So this might came a bit late, but it’s worth the wait. It has been almost four months since we “Bahrain Game Developers” have had our first gathering ever here in Bahrain. The thing started when I and Baraa – a good friend of mine. We sat in a coffee shop when we discussed our chances and dreams of kickstarting a hardcore game development community here in Bahrain.

Soon after that we found ourselves making the thing happen, so on the 28th of December 2012. We got one the conference halls in Bahrain Business Incubator Centre (BBIC).  This is with the help of our good friend Nawaf Saeed, and we managed to get our first gathering going.

Now my plan for the whole thing is simple, in Bahrain I’ve been very happy meeting so many amazing game developers. Ranging from the hardcode 3D game developers to the young causal 2D indie game developers. However in both cases this warms my heart to know that in Bahrain. Even though we’re miles away from the countries that shine when talking about games. We try to get in somehow and I’m sure we’re getting there. We’re trying to get as much awareness as we can to the people here in Bahrain that game development in Bahrain is the next big thing, it’s as simple as that.

The first gathering that we had was great. We discussed the challenges that we normally encounter while trying to get in the games industry. Especially for us, people that live in this part of the world. We did discuss few technical matters as well like the difference between game engines. Particularly the difference between Unity and UDK. It was a great experience after all, although I think Rashed – The Arab Gamer – has covered the whole thing pretty good, check out his article here.

We’re holding our next gathering pretty soon, new faces and new content! Stay tuned and make sure you follow up with us. You can find us and hear about our updates on our Facebook group here, make sure you spread the word!

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